1. locate the banjo bolt on the oil feed line on the top of the turbo.

2. undo the banjo bolt and remove it from the feedline.

one copper washer will come off on the bolt,the other will be under the feed line and must be removed aswell.
3. take the oil restrictor and 2 new copper washers out of the bag.

4. fit one of the washers under the feedline where you removed the old one from and line it up with the oil gallery.
5. fit the oil restrictor into the oil line with the remaining copper washer on the bolt. (there should be a copper washer on either side of the oil line and should be assembled like the example below)

6. tighten the bolt.torque spec for the bolt is 12nm,but a good nip with the torx key until the bolt is tight is usually more than enough.
7. wipe up any oil spillage from around the oil gallery,then disconnect the coil pack plug.

8. crank the engine over for approx 5 seconds to refill the oil line.
9. check around the bolt for any oil leaks,if it has leaked,wipe it up and tighten some more,then try it again.if its ok,re-connect the coil pack.
10. start the engine,and allow the car to idle for a few minutes,again check for leaks around the bolt and retighten if needed